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Jan 18th
Times for Jan 18th: 11:00 am12:30 pm

The Inner Game of Sales & Marketing


It’s been a roller coaster couple of years, and 2024 is proving to look just as uncertain. When it comes to sales & marketing as an external coach, it’s all about your psychology. Join us for some guided exploration on how to keep yourself anchored so you are not operating from a place of fear in the year ahead.

Learn how to manifest a successful year for yourself by embracing three superpowers: Intentionality, Curiosity, and Unattached Action. Discover a strength and a learning edge for manifestation in 2024.

About Lori Heffelfinger

Coaching, cultivating leaders, and aligning teams to drive sustainable, scalable business results is both Lori’s company’s mission AND her calling. Her firm maintains a small network of coaches and consultants who provide THC services. She also teaches, mentors, and coaches fellow coaches and consultants in developing their businesses and practices.

CCEs: 1.5 Resource Development

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