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Jan 24th
Times for Jan 24th: 9:00 am11:00 am

Dave Ulrich: HR’s role in Creating Shareholder Value for 2024 and Beyond

Dave Ulrich joins the HRSF Community for our 2024 Kick-Off Session!

In this session, Dave will be sharing his latest thinking on HR’s role in creating shareholder value given the evolving world of work.

Dave will discuss:

  • What shareholders’ need in today’s business climate
  • Why it is important for HR to connect both outside and inside the organization
  • The need to harness uncertainty by finding certainty
  • Becoming a Paradox Navigator
  • Personalization in the workplace: why and how

Join us on January 24, 2024 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am PT, in an engaging conversation with the individual recognized as the “Father of modern HR” and ranked as #1 educator & management guru. Dave is one of the world's leading business thinkers who has made a significant impact on the HR industry. We are so honored to have him join us to kick-off our 2024 program lineup.

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